
The Aware Leader CORE VALUES


Whether by default or by choice, we are all leaders, and we believe that great leadership starts with self-awareness. Our commitment with our clients is to help them understand where their natural inclinations lie and use this knowledge to boost those inclinations or compensate for them. We also understand that leadership excellence requires aligning with one’s values.


We believe that robust and authentic relationships are the key to the overall success of our process. We cultivate partnerships with our clients to always ensure that we are respecting their goals and visions.


In any relationship, communication is critical. We endeavor for effective and open communication with our clients to ensure we align with their strategies, business plan, and professional goals.


We believe that truthfulness comes before anything in our business and our relationship with our clients. We will only engage with clients that we believe can truly benefit from our services.


We believe that conducting in the best interests of our clients is what’s best for us in the long-term – when they succeed, we succeed.

Woman smiling at coworker
Pair of Professionals looking down at camera

The Aware Leader’s Purpose

To assist senior leaders & teams to model habits of good self-awareness in order to help them create a more self-aware organization.

Senior leaders and teams that are self-aware are open to learning and better equipped to adjust quickly to changes in their business environment.  This capability is the defining characteristic of successful organizations and possibly the most compelling reason all senior leaders should include self-awareness in their personal and professional development goals.

Our business has two primary goals:

First, to enhance senior leaders’ and team learning and development.

The Aware Leader strives to develop senior leaders and organizations to have greater Self-Knowledge (understanding of talents, values, interests, especially as these relate to the capacity to provide effective leadership) and Leadership Competence (the ability to mobilize oneself and others to serve and to work collaboratively).

Second, to help senior leaders and teams facilitate positive change.

The Aware Leader encourages senior leaders and organizations to undertake actions and growth that will help their team to function more effectively and efficiently. We examine leadership development on two levels:

The Individual

What personal qualities need to be fostered and developed in the leaders of an organization? What are the attributes most supportive of team functioning and positive organizational results?

The Team

How can the executive develop the desired, individual qualities, and also affect positive team/organizational results? How can the team become more congruent and committed?